No. 007
Logo Design
Case Study
Student work
Personal development
performing arts.
Magna Performing Arts is an amateur dramatics organisation based in Herefordshire that pride themselves on being inclusive; anyone can join no matter acting ability, health conditions or impairments making the performing arts accessible to anyone wanting to take part. I was once a member of the youth group back in my childhood and teenage years so it holds a special place in my heart and I noticed their logo might need an update so I reached out to the owner to see if they'd like a refresh.
Fig. 01 - Logo redesign

Fig. 02 - Original logo

I kept the colours relatively faithful to their current logo and incorporated the happy theatrical mask as the “G” which can also be used as a separate asset, for example an alternative logo for social media or as quotation marks on their website. Magna never discriminates and everyone is welcome to join so to symbolise this I included the little star to represent the individuality of every person that takes part in Magna as well as a little nod to a spotlight on stage.